About Me
My name is Jonathan Camp and I've been in the Publishing and IT industries for over 35 years now. I run a small business called Micro Update. We do SEO, Web design and development - a lot of Wordpress these days.
I love everything about the web and what it can offer SME's (Small to Medium Enterprise). The field is mind blowing! I tend to look for solutions that are opensource or free, and that are worth installing on your computer(s).
Utilities for running your business are essential. Effectively these tools will enable you to do 'stuff much quicker' and easier.
I'm using Google Sites because I've not used it before and it seems pretty good. I love the ease of entering information - time will tell how well this stuff gets indexed!
Other places you can find me? Well just google me, or Micro Update and you'll come across all my stuff that's out there. Thanks for having a look around the site. I plan to dump stuff here on a regular basis (hopefully).
I've worked with a LOT of customers. They all pretty much want the same thing. A Website that ranks #1 on Google for their niche.
It's not rocket science... but most (and I'm talking about 95%) of my customers are totally obsessed with the 'look and feel'. We are not going to be obsessed with the look and feel here. We are are going to be obsessed about the 'content'. Yes, remember that old fashioned concept. You know, folk out there have a problem or are looking for a service and you have the solution in your website.
Do they care what it looks like? Not really. Do they care that it solves their problem? YES YES YES.
Do that's we are looking at here; solving problems with free (mostly) windows tools and utilities - that simple.